Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Blacklist - So Good And Yet, So Bad

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity" - thus begins Charles Dickens' historical novel A Tale of Two Cities.

I enjoy a good criminal drama as much as the next guy.

The Blacklist - Panel
The Blacklist - Panel (Photo credit: titi-)
I enjoy all the "Initial" TV shows such as NYPD Blue, CSI, NCIS and so on and so I was happy to see that the marvelous actor James Spader was playing the lead role in a new show "The Blacklist".

I watched the season premiere with Her Indoors and we were thrilled to see some fun action, plot twists and even some funny one liners. Sadly, as we watched episodes 2 and 3 we realsied that in fact it was, as I quote above, the best of time and the worst of times.

James Spader is simply amazing at this role. He effuses 'criminal mastermind' who is not thinking a mere two steps ahead, but more likely, 4 steps ahead - and around the corner. It is a shame to see that the actors around him are somewhat wooden. It wouldn't surprise me if the main FBI character played by Diego Klattenhoff was in fact made of oak.

The Blacklist - Panel
The Blacklist - Panel (Photo credit: titi-)
The leading lady of the show is one Megan Boone who has the delivery of a clown tripping over a banana skin whilst carrying a cream pie. It gets there, eventually, but what an adventure whilst its happening!

Admittedly neither Mr Klattenhoff or Ms Boone are well known faces on our screens and I am sure that things will sort them selves out over time but really, this is an embarrassment to everyone involved.

Watch the show and tell me what you think in the comments. Comem on, make me change my mind.

But before you comment, please let me know, what the hickory is oging on with Ms. Boone's hair / wig in the show? It is appalling!


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